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Dance Those Calories Away Zumba, the globally popular dance exercise is very popular among our members too. This wonderful format was first created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto "Beto" Pérez during the 1990s. It caught the fancy of the fitness loving world within a very short time. This unique dance exercise format mixes the workout with a lot of fun which makes these class not only effective but also very engaging and entertaining, and what can beat an exercise routine you actually love. Zumba is an excellent calorie burner. An average person can burn anything from 600 to 1000 calories in a Zumba class. It improves co-ordination and builds self confidence as well. Another great thing about Zumba is that it is appropriate for people of all ages. So it is never too late for you to join. The rhythmic upbeat workout tones your entire body and builds your cardiovascular strength with almost the same pace as it builds your body awareness. The Zumba classes at Mantra are always enjoyable and we have a group of excellent trainers to provide individual attention to each and every member. We also have Fitness Steps Aerobics classes at Crush Lifestyle fitness studio under a specially trained group of trainers. They are excellent calorie burners and very effective in improving flexibility and balance. They are also very popular as members have shared that they experience a surge of confidence with bodily fitness after these classes. Take your pick; we have everything to assist you, here at Crush Lifestyle Fitness Studio
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Fat 2 Fit

This package is planned scientifically to generate health awareness. The essential purpose of the program is to help our members lose non essential fatty substances of the body and help them rediscover their love for life. Crush Lifestyle Fitness Studio MMWL package is actually a magical touch to life. Unlike other conventional weight loss programs, it should more appropriately be taken as a lifestyle modification program. This package is planned scientifically to generate health awareness. The essential purpose of the program is to help our members lose non essential fatty substances of the body and help them rediscover their love for life. Proper and controlled diet with a customized exercise schedule often yields amazing results. There are no ill effects or drastic diet plans involved in this program. We, at Mantra, believe in keeping things simple and normal. Try the unique MMWL package to lose weight without losing happiness. This package has been consistently popular for the last twenty years. One of the safest and trusted methods of weight loss, the Crush Lifestyle fitness studio Weight Loss Package has benefitted almost over fifty thousand people. HOW DO WE KNOW WE ARE FATTY? Usually we measure our weight on weighing machine and compare that weight with a standard height weight chart to identify our ideal weight. Weighing machine only measures our over all weight which comprising of fat, muscles, bones weight. It does not able to differentiate between weight of muscles, fat and bones. If a person having low body fat with heavy muscle and bones, standard height weight chart will identify that person as fatty or over weight. So standard height weight chart is not the perfect tool to measure your Ideal Body weight. Nor BMI calculation. BMI calculation only considers Body weight and height. The formula for BMI is Bodyweight in kg/ Height in centimeter*. So if a person develops more muscle in his body with an intensive training, according to BMI calculation he will always be considered to be an obese person. Or if a tall person wants to reduce extra body fat always ends up losing extra lean Body Mass, if he or she is following BMI calculation.
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Pain Management

Walk in with Pain... Walk out Pain -free Constant and nagging pain is one of the worst feelings. Unfortunately various reasons like lifestyle choices, injuries or simply advancing age can lead to constant pain at various parts of the body. Mantra has a unique service to specifically deal with pain. We employ a range of five major techniques to provide a long term solution to our members. These five methods are:
Spinal & Joint Mobilization. This method works if you are suffering from joint stiffness. Neural Mobilization Chronic and intense pain can also be caused by the nerves. Like muscles, our nerve tissues can also stretch and contract leading to restricted movement and various degrees of pain. Taping Sometimes our joints feel unstable and painful in some specific postures and activities leading to restricted and painful movements. These cases, if left untreated, often worsen with time. Dry Needling Dry Needling is also an immensely effective technique to reduce pain.
Electro Therapy Nerve pain is basically an electrical signal is sent from a damaged nerve to the brain. Electro Therapy uses electrical stimulation.
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Yoga & Meditation

Yoga, the ancient Indian miracle is perfectly suitable for this because it in actuality does benefit mind and body both, at Crush Lifestyle we offer separate classes for Hata Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation, which enables practitioners to learn this ancient skill of healing with moreefficient manner.
Crush Lifestyle has always believed in a Mind & Body approach which means that we try to offer health and fitness solutions which benefits both the Mind and the Body simultaneously. These days our lives have grown much more hectic and stressful than they were even a decade earlier, the need for this kind of a dual approach is now more than ever specially when physio-somatic diseases like Diabetics and Hypertension are spreading like epidemic in India. Yoga, the ancient Indian miracle is perfectly suitable for this because it in actuality does benefit mind and body both, at Crush Lifestyle we offer separate classes for Hata Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation, which enables practitioners to learn this ancient skill of healing with moreefficient manner.
Hata Yoga
Hata Yoga classes at Crush Lifestyle emphasise upon Mind & Body approach and works towards releasing the various stress induced knots in our mind and body through a set of different asanas. With meticulous research we have designed various sets of asana for Hata Yoga classes aimed to release the dormant energy; the body becomes full of vitality and strength, the mind becomes light, creative, joyful and balanced.
Pranayama is the yogic practice that regulates prana (bioplasmic energy), possibly the most important function of the body. The correct way of regulated, controlled and conscious breathing can improve the body’s functions wonderfully. At Mantra we offer a comprehensive Pranayama programme called “Breathing Mantra For Life”( BML) which induces conscious breathing pattern for our peace of mind in a disease free healthy body.
The competition driven urban existence also operates on fear. Every day, everybody is driven slowly towards the edge with several minor and major feelings of fear. We fear losing a loved one, or losing our jobs or losing our health. In the changing scenario of corporatization of hospitals, selling of health package with the notion of “fear psychosis” becomes common practice and it is prevalent across all market segments.These phenomena of carefully created and marketed mass anxiety may also have a host of physiological and psychological side effects like sleeplessness, decreasing immunity and mood swings. Meditation can be a great healer and help drastically in minimizing these pangs of dread and anxiety. At Mantra we have developed a unique curriculum to teach the intricate techniques of Meditation in an easy manner, so that everybody can benefit from the Magic benefit of a happy life.
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Body Massage

Originally used as just a weight, soon the lifting of it became a popular exercise regime. Pilates came to be known as the wonder exercise which improves muscle tone, enhances flexibility and helps to develop a strong core with a bouquet of many other benefits.
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Have you: ✓ Competed before but never placed? ✓ Placed before but want to progress & actually win? ✓ Won your category but want to level up and take the Overall? ✓ Want to compete for the first time but not simply take part.. but WIN? Then join Shubra's Team of Champions!

Shubra blends an old school work ethic with new cutting edge science to make sure you get the BEST guidance in the industry to bring a winning package. Suitable for anyone looking to compete in a physique, bodybuilding, bikini or a fitness model type competition.

Subhradeep Ghosh

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